Zippi Fun Day at the Tailrace Kids Paradise

Zippi Fun Day at the Tailrace Kids Paradise

During July Zippi took their bikes to Kids Paradise in Launceston for the afternoon. It saw over 70 kids get to experience the new Zippi Ride and it's safe to say that everyone had a great time!

There were kids of all different ages trying out the Zippi from 3 up to 11.

Each of the Zippi's went without the need to charge for 3 hours using them non-stop!!

We had the talented Ness on site who took photos for us which we have created a gallery for below.

There is a special promo if you were part of the Tailrace day, if you do not have your card supplied on the day feel free to email us at to hook you up with your online special code.

The Tailrace team do a fantastic job of holding great events for kids, we admire their work and as such Zippi donates 5% of the sale of each bike sold through the Tailrace Code directly back to their community group to help other events like this be held there.